Key witness to death inquest held under drug charge

About 80 people staged a noisy protest in front of Bukit Aman, demanding the detainee’s release. A noisy protest in front of the national police headquarters staged by around 80 people forced the disclosure that a key witness to a police custody death had been detained for alleged drug offences. bukit aman protest against selvachandran…

Police accused of abducting eyewitness to their own brutality

Lawyers acting for the wife of K Selvachandran, an eyewitness to a police beating that resulted in the death of a suspect are pressing the panic button because after 4 days, the police are still refusing to divulge where he has been taken to.

“This looks and sounds like an abduction. We demand that the police cease this illegal conduct and release K Selvachandran immediately,” Lawyers for Liberty spokesperson Latheefa Koya told Malaysia Chronicle. The 30-year old Selva was a key witness in the inquest of R Gunasegaran, who died while in police custody. In a decision that provoked public outrage, the Coroner returned an open verdict on Monday although Selva and three others had seen a police officer beat Guna unconscious.

Memorandum bantahan kepada Ketua Polis Negara berhubung penangkapan dan penahanan saksi inkues K.Selvach Santhiran Bukit Aman, 30 Oktober 2010

Pengenalan Penurunan prestasi PDRM secara berterusan ke arah tidak memperdulikan undang-undang dapat dilihat dengan jelas dalam peristiwa penangkapan dan pemukulan K. Selvach Sathiran pada 25 Oktober lalu. Dia dipukul dan ditangkap oleh sekumpulan lelaki berpakaian biasa yang mendakwa  diri mereka sebagai anggota polis yang tidak memperkenalkan diri mereka secara jelas. Selvach merupakan salah seorang saksi…