Antara hukuman mati dengan peluang kedua

Pada 10 Jun 2010 yang lepas, beberapa kumpulan aktivis hak asasi manusia dan perundang-undangan tempatan, antaranya Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), Jawatankuasa Undang-undang Perlembagaan Majlis Peguam, Amnesty International dan Lawyers For Liberty (Peguam untuk Kebebasan) telah mengadakan sidang akhbar di Majlis Peguam. Sidang akhbar tersebut bertujuan untuk mengiringi dan memberi sokongan kepada peguam hak asasi daripada…

When can we commemorate World Refugee Day?

By Eric Paulsen IT was heartening to see the whole world condemning the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla bound for Gaza. While the Palestinians’ struggle for a homeland deserves all the international aid, support and solidarity – we must not turn a blind eye to others with a similar or even worse plight…

Encik Anwar, please bend over

It has been almost 12 years since Anwar Ibrahim, newly sacked as deputy prime minister, was first charged with trumped-up charges of sodomy and corruption, and subsequently put through two trials which were condemned around the world as manifestly flawed and politically motivated. He spent six years in detention, in solitary confinement throughout, after his…

Institusi Polis: Mengawasi dan Diawasi?

Fadiah Nadwa binti Fikri | May 19, 2010 04:55:45 pm Kerisauan dan kemarahan yang yang timbul baru-baru ini disebabkan kes Aminul Rasyid Amzah adalah kesan daripada hilangnya keyakinan kepada institusi polis.  Institusi inilah yang sepatutnya menjalankan tugas mengikut lunas undang-undang dan bukannya berselindung di sebalik impuniti (pengecualian daripada hukuman) setiap kali kejadian tembakan yang menyebabkan…

In defence of DVD pirates

DEC 7 — I refer to the government’s latest plan to curb video piracy — “Armed to fight piracy” (Sunday Star, Dec 6) where Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said that the government was considering a proposal to take action against the private owners of even one pirated video.…

Obama’s folly in Afghanistan and the continuing US hypocrisy

DEC 2 — I should divulge that I was one of Barack Obama’s supporters, from the unlikely victory in the US Democratic Party presidential candidate election to one of the most improbable victories in modern political history, an African-American man voted into the US presidency, all the more momentous to me personally as I received…

The day the Petaling Jaya police celebrated Aung San Suu Kyi’ s birthday

On 19 June, Pakatan Rakyat organised a get-together to celebrate the 64th birthday of Aung San Suu Kyi with a programme that included a few local and Burmese performances, speeches by political leaders/ activists, birthday cakes and lots of red heart shaped balloons. It was a small but nonetheless essential affair observed around the world…

Of brave students and a hypocritical DPP (and a somewhat disingenuous magistrate)

After amputating their soul, the Attorney-General’s Chambers and the courts moved in for the kill albeit with lesser ruthlessness than is customary in politically motivated cases. But the damage has been done. I am referring to the blatant injustice perpetrated on the brave anti-ISA students who were yesterday convicted for “illegally assembly” under the Police…