Justice dead in police custody

Since 2000, at least 147 people have died in police custody (unless otherwise stated, statistics are from PDRM – released during P.Uthayakumar’s ongoing sedition trial) but yet there is little accountability, transparency or any real investigations by the authorities responsible, namely the courts, the police, the Attorney General’s Chambers and the hospitals which provide medical…

Perlancaran Rasmi Lawyers for Liberty 12.2.2011

Tarikh bersejarah 12.2.2011 bukan sahaja bermakna buat warga Mesir yang telah berjaya menjatuhkan pemerintahan diktator 30 tahun Hosni Mubarak, tetapi juga merupakan tarikh bersejarah buat Lawyers for Liberty. Lawyers for Liberty adalah satu gerakan atau organisasi bukan kerajaan yang telah mula bertapak di aliran aktivis hak asasi di Malaysia lebih kurang setahun lalu. Penggerak serta…

Interlok and what are more pressing problems

Having just returned from my 3rd trip to India in a year, I felt compelled to respond to the ridiculous reactions to the Interlok hoooha and especially to the book burning incident. Seriously, don’t you think there are more serious and pressing problems affecting the Indian community in Malaysia than the Interlok book? What about…


SHOCKING FAILURE BY POLICE TO INVESTIGATE OR TAKE ANY ACTION ON THE UNLAWFL KILLINGS BY POLICE AT GLENMARIE ON 13.11.2010 INCLUDING THE KILLING OF A 15 YEAR OLD The quest for justice for the recent police shooting victims at Glenmarie continues due to police failure to investigate. Lawyers for Liberty is gravely concerned over the…


Lawyers For Liberty would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy new year! Let’s continue our struggle in defending and upholding human rights for a better Malaysia. p/s: Lawyers For Liberty will be having our official launching soon. Stay tuned.

K.Selvach’s habeas corpus hearing: 20 Dec, KL High Court (1)

Please be informed that K.Selvach’s habeas corpus application has been fixed for hearing: Date: 20 December 2010 Time: 8:30 a.m Venue: Mahkamah Tinggi Jenayah (I), Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur Note that K.Selvach has been detained without trial since 25 October and it is fundamental that he be allowed to assert his constitutional rights and challenge…

Dear Hisham, let’s compare shooting stats with Eng & Wales

Despite the police’s own statistics, coming no less from CID deputy director Acryl Sani Abdullah, Minister Hisham has brushed off the gruesome fatal shootings of 82 deaths in 2008 and 88 deaths in 2009 as “sensationalised by certain parties” and that there may be a “slight increase”! Hairan bin ajaib! Can the Minister count? A…

Finally! K.Selvach’s habeas corpus hearing on 3 Dec

Please be informed that K.Selvach’s habeas corpus application has been fixed for hearing: Date: 3 December 2010 Time: 8:30 a.m Venue: Mahkamah Tinggi Jenayah (I), Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur The defence team will be insisting that the hearing proceed on the day and will object to any request for postponement. The AG’s Chambers have been…

No hearing date for K. Selvach’s Habeas Corpus application

On 10 November 2010, after much difficulty, Lawyers for Liberty filed a habeas corpus application to obtain the release of K.Selvach, a victim of the repugnant Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act 1985 that has allowed the PDRM to abduct, assault and detain him without trial since 25 October. After more than a week of…

Anwar still our best hope

Who wants to be free? Who wants to be rid of the lies, deceit and oppression of the Alliance/National Front government? Well, certainly not those who dance to the tune of the posturer and pretender Zaid Ibrahim, former Umno man and ex-leader of the reactionary Muslim Lawyers Association. At a time when a small and beleagured opposition and civil society stood valiantly against despotic…

PROTEST MEMO TO IGP ON 30TH OCTOBER 2010 ( Beating and abduction of K.Selvachandran by police)

The continuing descent of the Malaysian police force into lawlessness has been graphically demonstrated by the October 25th abduction and beating of K.Selvachandran by police personnel. Selvachandran was a key witness who testified against the police in the recently concluded R.Gunasegaran inquest. On the very day the verdict was delivered in the inquest, police moved against Selvachandran. When Selva’s children asked police why their…

Are there really no lawyers willing to defend the Bar Council’s Red Book?

Surely the issue cannot be that the lawyers and pupils were “only detained for a few hours” as I was made to understand. The real issue is that constitutional and human rights have been violated and that this incident is not the case of a few bad apples but rather a wider and serious problem of the PDRM’s contempt for the Constitution and human rights and the role played by lawyers.

How does that reflect on the Bar Council and its various committees when nothing is offered to these lawyers and pupils other than a press statement? What message is being sent to them and other volunteers?

Hukuman mati dalam & luar novel

Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya membaca novel The Chamber karya John Grisham. Novel ini novel lama, yang diterbitkan pertama kali kira-kira 15 tahun lepas. Watak utama novel ini ialah Adam Hall, seorang peguam muda yang baru setahun menjadi peguam. Kisah hidup Adam dalam novel ini mengambil masa sebulan. Dalam masa sebulan, Adam terpaksa mempersiapkan dirinya…

Hukuman Mati: Perspektif Islam

Sebagai kesinambungan artikel berkenaan hukuman mati yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah di Singapura terhadap Yong Vui Kong, seorang remaja berusia 22 tahun yang merupakan seorang rakyat Malaysia, persoalan justifikasi hukuman mati tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada pandangan agama yang banyak mempengaruhi pandangan umum. Perdebatan yang berkisar tentang kesalahan yang mewajibkan hukuman mati akan dirujuk secara terus kepada…