Kes Sosilawati: Jangan cepat memuji polis

Kes Sosilawati: Jangan cepat memuji polis 17 September 2010 Lawyers for Liberty amat khuatir kerana ramai ahli-ahli politik dan berbagai pihak lain terlalu cepat memuji pihak polis dalam menyelesaikan kes pembunuhan ngeri  Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya dan tiga orang rakannya yang lain. Apa yang diperlihatkan dalam kes ini sebenarnya amat jauh sekali daripada kecekapan, daya saing…


Pada 8 September 2010, Lawyers for Liberty mendampingi keluarga Allahyarham Aminulrasyhid Amzah serta ahli keluarga mangsa-mangsa penembakan polis bagi menyerahkan memorandum tuntutan keadilan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri  Hishamuddin Hussein Onn. Amat disesalkan mereka dilayan dengan sikap sambil lewa dan acuh tidak acuh oleh para pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Pihak Kementerian tidak menunjukkan sebarang usaha untuk…


On 8th September 2010, Lawyers for Liberty accompanied the family of Aminulrasyid Amzah and other police shooting victims to hand over a memorandum seeking justice to the Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein Onn. Regrettably, they were met with apathy and indifference by officials at the Home Ministry. They made no effort to find out what the matter was, and…

Save Vui Kong From The Hangman!

22 year old Malaysian Yong Vui Kong is facing a brutal death at the gallows of Singapore’s notorious Changi prison. He may die by this 26th August 2010, as his clemency time period expires. Yong, a Sabahan, was only 18 years old when arrested under Singapore’s harsh anti-drug laws. On 13th August 2010, the Singapore…

We Strongly Oppose Capital Punishment

The recent rape of a 10 year old child in a schoolbus was a terible crime and the young victim and her family may be scarred for life as a result. The perpetrator, if convicted after due process, deserves a heavy prison sentence in retribution for his act. However, we deplore the violent and rash proposals that are emanating from various quarters in a typical knee-jerk reaction to this very disturbing crime. We are particularly appalled by the suggestion by DAP Chairman Karpal Singh that child rapists be put to death. An immediate practical consequence of such a law is that child rapists will then be encouraged to murder their victims in order to escape detection and avoid the gallows.

PRESS RELEASE (9.6.2010)

On 8.6.10, a Committee of Privileges of the Dewan Rakyat had denied opposition leader Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s right for his lawyer’s participation during the hearing of the complaint against him. Similarly, Selangor’s SELCAT (Select Committee on Competence, Accountability and Transparency) denied the right of Kapar MP S. Manickavasagam to have his lawyer participate effectively…