LFL: Malaysia’s shocking collaboration with the CIA in the extraordinary rendition of two Libyan nationals

Lawyers for Liberty is shocked and outraged at Malaysia’s involvement in a CIA extraordinary rendition process that was recently revealed in Globalizing Torture: CIA Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition, a report by Open Society Justice Initiative. Extraordinary rendition is the transfer without legal process of a detainee, often “suspected terrorists” to the custody of a…

LFL: The Prime Minister and NRD have failed to protect genuine stateless claimants

Lawyers for Liberty views with disbelief Special Implementation Taskforce chairman Siva Subramaniam’s statement reported in Free Malaysia Today (“Ministry adds on to stateless problem”, 23 January 2013) that seemed to suggest that Prime Minister Najib Razak and the National Registration Department (NRD) were doing a good job in addressing statelessness affecting the Indian community while…

LFL: The AG must appeal Corporal Jenain’s acquittal

Lawyers for Liberty is outraged with Corporal Jenain’s acquittal on appeal despite causing the death of 15 year old Aminulrasyid.   We strongly urge the Attorney General to appeal against this decision immediately.   There is overwhelming evidence to show why the conviction should be upheld.   First, how was it possible that 21 shots…

LFL: Abolish death penalty now

Lawyers for Liberty views with extreme concern Deputy Home Minister Abu Seman Yusop statement in Parliament today that the government has no plans to abolish the death penalty – all the more shocking since it coincided with the World Day Against the Death Penalty on 10 October. The death penalty has no place in any…

LFL : Sabah RCI must consider rights of people of refugee/migrant descent

Press Statement While Lawyers for Liberty in principle supports the setting up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on immigration problems in Sabah, it views with concern the escalating rhetoric and demands surrounding the RCI that may have serious repercussion on the lives and human rights of some of the most vulnerable people in Sabah including undocumented women and street children…