LFL: Facilitate Bersih 4.0, not make exaggerated claims

Press Statement 22 August 2015 Facilitate Bersih 4.0, not make exaggerated claims Lawyers for Liberty views with extreme concern the authorities’ exaggerated and unhelpful reaction to the upcoming Bersih 4.0 rally on 28 and 29 August. Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan, Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan, DBKL, the police among others, should not feign ignorance…

LFL: Investigating the PM and the rule of law

Press Statement Investigating the PM and the rule of law 18 August 2015 Lawyers for Liberty views with extreme concern Abdul Rahman Dahlan, BN’s Strategic Communications Director’s interview in The Star Online, “Swimming against the tide to get to the truth”, 16 August 2015, that raised a number of contentious matters regarding the 1MDB scandal.…

LFL: Siasatan Terhadap Perdana Menteri dan Kedaulatan Undang Undang

Kenyataan Akhbar Siasatan Terhadap Perdana Menteri dan Kedaulatan Undang Undang 18 Ogos 2015   Lawyers for Liberty melihat dengan kebimbangan temu ramah Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Pengarah Komunikasi Strategik BN di dalam The Star Online,“Swimming against the tide to get to the truth”, 16 August 2015, yang telah menimbulkan beberapa perkara kontroversial berkaitan skandal 1MDB.   Khususnya,…

LFL: As prisoner of conscience, Anwar deserves better treatment

Press Statement As prisoner of conscience, Anwar deserves better treatment 10 August 2015 Today is Anwar Ibrahim’s 68th birthday and the 182nd day spent as a prisoner of conscience in Sungai Buloh Prison. On 10 February 2015, the Federal Court sentenced him to five years’ imprisonment for a preposterous sodomy charge, after a trial and appeal process that was…

LFL: Gani Patail’s removal as AG reckless and unconstitutional

Press Statement Gani Patail’s removal as AG reckless and unconstitutional 28 July 2015 Lawyers for Liberty views with extreme concern the sudden removal of Attorney General Gani Patail by the Prime Minister in a wide ranging reshuffling move that included members of his Cabinet. While it may be the PM’s prerogative to appoint and remove…

LFL: MCMC’s blocking of Sarawak Report is crude and backward

Press Statement MCMC’s blocking of Sarawak Report is crude and backward 20 July 2015 Lawyers for Liberty views with extreme concern the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission’s (MCMC) order to block Sarawak Report’s website, on the ground of ‘national stability’ for publishing ‘unverified’ news that were pending investigations.   Although MCMC does not refer to Sarawak Report’s…

LFL: Banking confidentiality does not apply to criminal investigations

Press Statement Banking confidentiality does not apply to criminal investigations  14 July 2015 Lawyers for Liberty is appalled that the authorities seem more concerned in investigating those responsible for leaking information relating to the 1MDB scandal rather than the extremely serious exposé implicating Prime Minister Najib Razak in connection with RM2.6 billion which was allegedly deposited in…

LFL: Government must explain purchase and use of spyware

Press Statement Government must explain purchase and use of spyware 8 July 2015 Lawyers for Liberty views with extreme concern reports that Malaysian enforcement authorities and the Prime Minister’s Office have acquired intrusion or malicious spyware from Hacking Team, a notorious Italian company known for dealings with repressive regimes or states with dubious human rights…

LFL: Explain 1MDB scandal instead of retaliating against The Edge

Press Statement 1 July 2015 Explain 1MDB scandal instead of retaliating against The Edge Lawyers for Liberty views with extreme concern the Home Ministry’s action of issuing a show cause letter to The Edge over what Putrajaya deemed to be “unverified” news that was published by the newspaper on the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal. This…