MEMORANDUM kepada Peguam Negara mengenai penyalahgunaan Akta Hasutan 1948

MEMORANDUM kepada Peguam Negara mengenai penyalahgunaan Akta Hasutan 1948 Diserahkan oleh Gerakan Hapus Akta Hasutan (GHAH) kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara pada 25 November 2015 di Jabatan Peguam Negara, No 45, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4, 62100 Putrajaya. Sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu, terdapat peningkatan yang membimbangkan dalam siasatan dan pendakwaan di bawah Akta Hasutan 1948, yang…

Coroner Court’s Verdict in the Inquest of C. Sugumar

On 6 March 2015, Coroner Puan Rozita binti Bainon handed out an important judgement regarding the death of C. Sugumar, a death during police apprehension. C. Sugumar was chased down by a mob, was pinned down by police, had curry powder smeared on his face, two handcuffs were placed on him and he was stepped…

Thoughts on Anwar’s Verdict and the Grounds of Judgement

The Court of Appeal judges involved, Balia Yusof, Aziah Ali and Mohd Zawawi Salleh surely must be remembered as being responsible for one of the worst miscarriages of justice in recent memory. Their names will live in infamy together with other infamous judges like Augustine Paul and Arifin Jaka who similarly perverted the law in…

Memorandum Hentikan Keganasan Kerajaan

Apakah tiada keadilan atau kedaulatan undang-undang di Malaysia? Bolehkah Polis DiRaja Malaysia, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau sebarang agensi penguatkuasaan kerajaan menyalahgunakan kuasa mereka dengan sesuka hati, pada bila-bila masa sahaja? Apakah mereka semudahnya boleh lepas daripada tindakan undang-undang, pengadilan, pendakwaan jenayah dan tindakan disiplin bagi kesemua penembakan, kematian dalam tahanan dan penyiksaan yang…

Memorandum to Stop State Violence

Is there no justice or rule of law in Malaysia? Can members of the Royal Malaysia Police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) or any other government enforcement agency abuse their powers as and when they please? Should they escape the long arm of the law, justice, criminal prosecution and disciplinary action for all the unjustifiable and…

Memorandum to Suhakam on the Australia-Malaysia refugee “outsourcing” deal

Introduction On 7 May 2011, the Australian and Malaysian governments announced a bilateral agreement which sought to transfer up to 800 asylum seekers who have arrived in Australia by sea to Malaysia while their asylum claims are being processed by the UNHCR. The announcement declared among others that the “transferees will not receive any preferential treatment over asylum seekers…